About Us


“To be the premier Italian American Club in the United States.”


“To enrich and promote our Italian culture.”

Value Statments

A. “Transparency, Integrity, and Honesty”

B. “Respect for the worth and dignity of individuals”

C. “We embrace change to ensure the future success of the Club.”

D. “We honor the contributions of those who have dedicated themselves to ensure the well-being of the Club and pledge to support those who carry on that legacy. “


SFIAC Officers and Directors

Photo Courtesy: Brandon Vaccaro


Manuele LaTorre, President

Chuck Canepa, First Vice President

Jim Anderson, Second Vice President

Doug Prewitt , Recording Secretary



Mark Amaro

Tom Banducci

Nicholas Bloisa

Thomas Buccioni

Vince Capizzo

Ronald Cupido

Jeff DelBono

Erig Gigliotti

Steve Giovannini

Merc Martinelli

Vedder McCaustland

Vince Passanisi

Brian Piscotta

Giordano Salvetti

Christopher Self


Nicolas Figone

Gina Travaglio

Nico Zimmerman

Steve Brown

Christy Turberville

Keely Batmale

Daryl Fallon